Becoming an Intentional Father

If you want to prepare the boys in your life for an impactful future this webinar is here to help.

Based on his new book The Intentional Father, Jon shares a proven plan to raise sons of integrity, faith and consequence. He lays out a clear path for fathers and sons that includes specific activities, rites of passage, and significant "marking moments" that can be customized to fit any family. You will leave with practical ways to raise sons who know what they believe, know who they are, will stand up against the negative cultural trends of our day.

It's not enough to hope our sons will become good men. We need them to be good at being men. This webinar shows how fathers, grandfathers, and other male mentors can lead the way.


How to Think Like a Shrink When Your World Goes Wild


The Art of Fishing: How to Cast Our Nets with Jesus