Many of us are concerned about helping Maui recover from the August 2023 devastating wildfires.
Here’s what HIM is doing:
We are LISTENING. We are spending time with Maui pastors and leaders listening to what they are saying, feeling, and hoping—hearing this: They know the recovery will take years. They want Jesus at the center. They need our help.
We are LEARNING. We are learning what it looks like to be fiercely resilient, compassionate and resourceful in the face of overwhelming loss. We are learning recovery is harder than we can imagine. We are learning where and how Maui needs help.
We are LEVERAGING the gifts, experience, and relationships God has given HIM during our forty years to help our brothers and sisters on Maui and get everyone on the field who wants to help. Help is not a spectator sport.
Maui pastors and leaders are asking HIM to
Maui pastors and leaders are asking HIM to
Maui Christian Leaders pictured above: (L-R): Ken Tanaka, Kahului Union Church; Ben Fowler, Kahului Union Church; Chris Kanemura, Made In Hope; Dan Chun, HIM co-founder; Poncho Ho’opai, Jesus Saves Ministry / KUPAA - Kingdom United Pentecostals Action Alliance; Ka’eo DeCoite, Kahului Church of the Nazarene
Organize Christian Mental Health training and resources to address the trauma, depression, anxiety, and mental and emotional wounds many are struggling with after the fires.
Create respite opportunities for pastors and leaders to combat burnout.
Raise scholarship money for Maui youth to come to the HIM 2024 Youth Program next March 21-23.
Secure funding for Maui residents to attend HIM 2024, March 14-16, at no or little cost.
Offer practical workshops on Maui to help relationships, parenting, spiritual growth, finances, and more.
Work alongside foundations and relief organizations to address spiritual needs which are vital to recovery and basic human flourishing.

You’re invited to help HIM
A portion of every gift to HIM will help HIM help Maui. This is extremely important because HIM needs funds to do what our Maui pastors and leaders are asking. We estimate a minimum of $150,000 is needed to fund Maui program through Fall 2024.
We cannot go it alone. Let’s do it together.