HIM was born in a Greyhound bus in 1983.
For many years, we’ve started this page on the history of HIM with, “A long time ago in a Greyhound bus far, far away…”
It was a long time ago that HIM started — back in the 20th Century, 1983 to be exact, when Greyhound buses, sleek silver coaches, roamed the land with large loads of people. We used typewriters back then, and our TVs were huge, heavy monsters with tubes in them. Life was different. No one had heard of an iPhone, iPad, or worried about their data plan.
However, HIM started the way that God starts all things: with a word, a vision, a sense of uncertain knowing that God is going to do great, unimaginable, extraordinary things if we but listen, follow and take the first step.
This is what God’s Word teaches us: to hear and heed God. We take the first step, the next step, and then the next – always toward God and others. When we then stop and turn to look back, we see how far we have come, how God has never forsaken us, and just how great a God He Is.
We first heard God speaking to us about starting HIM in a Greyhound bus. It was the summer of 1983, and we were traveling with a ragtag group of pastors, priests, and nuns up and down Israel, literally from Dan to Beersheba. Led by a former Baptist pastor, this one-month study tour was a deeply ecumenical experience. One day riding in the bus with our new buddy, Fr. Paul Henry, Dan shared his dream to similarly bring believers together in Hawai‘i to be equipped, inspired, and built up as the Body of Christ.
Dan said, “What if we could bring together believers from across denominations? What if we could do this on a regular basis? What if this eventually sparked Christian renewal and revival?” Paul said to Dan, “Not if, but when.” That is when we took our first step, and when HIM took its first breath.
In the 40 years since, HIM has inspired, kick-started, trained, renewed and fueled many generations of believers in their walk with Christ, taking what they have received to give to others. At HIM Youth programs, as much as 71% of youth in attendance have made a commitment to renew or begin their relationship with Christ. We can’t begin to count all the number of lives impacted, but it’s not the numbers that matter but the lives.
W.H.A.T. does HIM do? We WORSHIP. We offer HOPE. AND we provide TOOLS. And we bring together the Body of Christ in a way unlike any other conference or event — across cultural differences, unique traditions, generational idiosyncrasies, blind spots, perspectives, preferences and dysfunctions to stand as a family in God’s grace to be God’s people.
Every one who has attended a HIM event has been a passenger on that Greyhound Bus that started it all. We have journeyed together and it has been good, conference after conference, year after year. At the wheel has always been Jesus. Best ride ever!
HIM exists to equip, unify, and encourage Christian leaders across denominational, racial, cultural and generational differences.
Our vehicles for getting there are seminars and conferences held in Hawaii. This means equipping pastors and church leaders, and also teachers, parents, youth, business leaders and community volunteers. We don’t need high profile positions to lead. We just need to use what God has given us where we are.
Statement of Faith
There is one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, Holy and inspired by God, of supreme and final authority in faith and life.
God the Father sent us his Son, Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, who was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. His death on the cross provided our redemption. He was bodily resurrected and ascended into heaven and has a present ministry of intercession for us. We look forward to His return in power and glory.
God created humans to have fellowship with Him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own way. As a result, every human needs God’s saving grace to end this alienation from Him. Salvation comes only through saving grace, trusting in Jesus Christ alone— not human effort — and must be received personally by repentance and faith.
The Holy Spirit is involved in the miracle of the conversion of an unbeliever and indwells believers, enabling them to live a Godly life. Among many offices, the Holy Spirit equips believers for personal growth for service to the church. The church’s role is to glorify God and serve those in need.