Saturday, August 10, 2024 • 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
The Vine, 547 Halekauwila St, Honolulu 96813

Did you know Hawaiʻi has one of the highest per capita homeless populations in the nation?

Christians and churches need to be in the forefront of the issue but we don’t always know of practical ways to help alleviate the problem.

How can we help? What kind of solutions are there?

HIM is offering our second one-day seminar focused on empowering you with tools to assist those facing homelessness. This year, we're teaming up with River of Life Mission once again, and introducing new partners—Institute for Human Services (IHS) and Catholic Charities—to bring you an event where Executive Director Paul Gates of River of Life Mission, Executive Director Connie Mitchell of IHS, and CEO & President Robert Van Tassell of Catholic Charities will each present unique strategies aimed at addressing homelessness in Hawaiʻi.

This seminar is your chance to gain valuable knowledge and insights directly from the leaders on the frontlines who are driving change in our community. Register now to discover how you (or your church) can make a difference in the lives of Hawaiʻi's homeless population.

$28 pp Early Rate (includes lunch) thru Aug 1
$38 pp Regular Rate (lunch NOT included) after Aug 1

Registration rates include all processing fees.

Who should attend

Pastors, leaders in ministry or community service, churches or organizations dedicated to serving the homeless, and anyone with a heart for those experiencing homelessness and want to make a difference.

Statistics taken from the 2024 Point in Time Count Report.

9:00 AM • Welcome & Introduction
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM • River of Life Mission | Paul Gates
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM • Break
11:00 AM - 12:30 AM • Institute for Human Services | Connie Mitchell
12:30 - 1:15 PM • Lunch
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM • Catholic Charities | Robert Van Tassell
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM • Panel Discussion
3:30 PM • Adjourn


Schedule subject to change

$28 pp Early Rate (includes lunch) thru Aug 1
$38 pp Regular Rate (lunch NOT included) after Aug 1

Registration rates include all processing fees.

Got more questions?
Contact us at

  • Limited parking is available on site. Overflow parking is available at Restaurant Row for $6 with a validation sticker purchased at the seminar from HIM (cash only). Validation is good for the whole day, to present upon exiting the garage.

  • Unfortunately, this seminar will not be recorded.

  • Lunch is included with the early ticket purchased thru Aug 1. Tickets purchased after Aug 1 will not include lunch. Those who purchase their tickets after Aug 1 may bring their own lunch.

  • Yes, there will be a vegetarian option.

  • Due to caterer deadlines and needing a food count prior to the event, we cannot include meals with tickets purchased after Aug 1.

    1. Please bring $6 in cash if you plan on parking at Restaurant Row.

    2. Notetaking material if you desire to take notes.

    3. Sweater or jacket as the room may get cold.

  • Unfortunately, WIFI access will NOT be available.