HIM 2017 sessions you'll need to attend in person
The following HIM 2017 sessions will not be recorded and not be available for sale to take home and share with others. (shucks!) Plan your HIM 2017 conference schedule accordingly so you and your friends can attend in person and not miss these live-only presentations!
Margaret was recently named one of 50 women most shaping culture and the church today by Christianity Today, one of the 30 Voices who will help lead the church in the next decade by Charisma magazine and one of 40 who will shape Christian publishing by Christian Retailing magazine.
Margaret Feinberg
Fight Back with Joy • General Session 2 • Friday, March 17, 8:30 – 10:00 am When adversity hits, God in his mercy gives us JOY. More than whimsy, this is a weapon we can use to fight life’s battles.
Insiders’ Secrets to Writing and Publishing • Seminar Series 3 • Friday, March 17 • 3:30 – 4:45 pm Your voice matters. Deep in your bones, you know this is true. The ability to tell your story in a way that transforms is one of the most important skills you can master. Learn how to identify your audience, hone your voice, and experience breakthrough in publishing in this practical, interactive workshop.
Bob has inspired millions to dream big and make life more awesome. He is driven by a desire to help others unlock their potential to love and be loved greater. What goals and dreams have you been putting off out of fear or the thought that you can't do it, that it's too hard? Chances are, Bob could talk you out of those thoughts and send you charging into your next adventure.
Bob Goff
Dream Big, Part 1 • Seminar Series 3 • Friday, March 17 • 3:30 – 4:45 pm | This workshop is designed to gain clarity and understand how to overcome obstacles. Discover how to stop feeling stuck and get started on what makes you come alive. Don't let failures and fears hold you back from your big dream.
Dream Big, Part 2 • Seminar Series 4 • Friday, March 17 • 8:30 – 9:45 pm In this workshop Bob will help you stop hitting the wall and repeating the same mistakes when trying to start your dream. Tackle the many ways we walk away from or around doing what is written on our hearts and find the tools to make your dream a reality.
Love Does • General Session 5 • Saturday, March 5, 8:30 am – 10:00 am In this upbeat, fun yet serious talk, Bob will challenge us to Live a Life of Love and Dream Big. This is a session you won't want to miss!
Evan is a National Presenter with Logos Bible Software who lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife, Karen (no kids yet!). He is an Elder at a church plant where he leads the Discipleship Ministry, teaches occasionally from the pulpit, and trains leaders for ministry. He is deeply passionate about the Word of God and particularly loves Ephesians 2:8, which says “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not of yourselves, but a gift of God.”
Evan Lowell
How to Maximize Your Bible Study and Sermon Preparation with Technology • Seminar Series 2 • Friday, March 17 • 10:30 – 11:45 am Are you looking to maximize your Bible study and/or sermon preparation? Come learn how today’s leading ministry leaders utilize technology to get the most out of their Bible studies. You will learn practical ways that integrating Logos Bible Software can equip you to deliver key insights from scripture.
“I write books for myself,” Philip says. “I’m a pilgrim, recovering from a bad church upbringing, searching for a faith that makes its followers larger and not smaller. I feel overwhelming gratitude that I can make a living writing about the questions that most interest me. My books are a process of exploration and investigation of things I wonder about and worry about.”
Philip Yancey
Prayer • Seminar Series 1 • Thursday, March 16 • 8:30 pm – 9:45 pm Do my prayers make any difference? Does God listen to me? Why should God care about me? Why pray about something if God already knows? Do my prayers change God or do they change me? How can I make prayer more satisfying? Philip Yancey will be addressing these and other important issues regarding prayer, based on his best-selling book Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
What’s Ahead for the Church? • Seminar Series 2 • Friday, March 17 • 10:30 – 11:45 am | Jesus turned over the Gospel mission to his disciples. Yet, over time, places where the faith once flourished—the Middle East, Central Europe, and now the USA—have shrinking churches. Two-thirds of Christians now lie outside of Europe and North America. Why does God seem to “move” geographically, from one continent to another? And how can the church best flourish amid the new realities of a secular culture?
Seasons of the Soul • General Session 5 • Saturday, March 5, 8:30 am – 10:00 am | Much like seasons of the year (and unlike Hawaii!), the Christian life includes different seasons or stages. Philip Yancey will walk us through the Springtime of new life, Summer of productivity, Fall of doubt and Winter of grief, drawing spiritual lessons to help us cope, no matter our circumstances.