Words to live by


We asked the youth attending HIM 2017:


Here's what they said.

“I learned that I shouldn’t rely on anything or anyone else except for God. He gives us love, grace, mercy and more.”

"The magnitude of God, how miniscule I am, and the graciousness he imparts to us."

"I need the Lord more than ever now. I must trust him with everything and that he can take it and even through my sin he still calls me beloved."

"Help my peers and listen."

"One thing I am taking away is what to do when pressure hits and to ride 'the storm' because the most peaceful place is in the eye of the storm. Peace starts from the inside and goes out."

"I learned how to show mercy to others that don’t deserve it because He has shown me mercy and I didn’t deserve it."


"God loves us at our worst."

"To stop being negative. God works in mysterious ways."

"God has humor."

"We are one body made of many denominations and none of them are superior to the others."

"Stop trying to kill myself. I am try going to stop."

"One thing I learned was to not let temptation
tempt you. 
You can ask God for help with temptation."

"I am God’s and He is mine."


"A new and faithful heart. I know that I have to put my heart into serving God and surrender all I am to him."

"I am a '10' to Jesus, like Uncle Sumo said."

"God can use me today right now. The youth are the church today, not tomorrow."

"If you stay in Christ, there is peace."

"I learned that God is always here."

"Have more quiet time with him."

"I learned that if you want a miracle to happen,
you have to go through the storm."


"Even though you don’t understand Jesus, trust in him.""The Lord will fight for you. All you have to do is be quiet."

"What am I striving for?  I can’t earn the approval of God."

"Don’t take a path that is not meant for you."

"I need to wait for God to call and his calling."

"People are here to help."

"I am an idiot whom Jesus loves."

"A God died for me. He measures the universe with His hand but He still sees and remembers me. I shouldn’t be lonely and I should feel deeply loved."

"If God says yes, go. If God says no, then NO!"

“I learned that God loves you even though you mess up or even if you don’t love Him back he will still love you. And he is merciful.

Jan & Susan

Changing the way people get things done. 


What we're listening to now. #Devotion


HIM 2017 Trivia. Never Trivial.