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We Worship. We offer Hope And we provide Tools. We bring together the Body of Christ unlike any other conference or event — across cultures, traditions, generations, preferences, preconceptions and perspectives to Be the Body of Christ, a family in God’s grace, God’s beloved.
What we offer
Conferences, seminars, workshops, webinars lead by leading voices in the Church today. Practical, prophetic, provocative and passionate presenters. Training for believers of all ages and stages. Friends and mentors. A safe place to grow.
HIM gathers the diversely gifted children of God as ‘many yet one in Christ’.
What happens…
“The HIM conference gave me something life-giving to look forward to every day in a new, fresh way. Every aspect of the conference spoke to my personal growth, self awareness and staying teachable.”
“After a year like 2020, the world needs hope. I’ve started listening to the word daily and just showing up. That’s a HUGE change” for me
“Like a phoenix, we’ve risen from the ashes of a very tough year and celebrated anew God’ goodness and blessings in our lives.”

Make a gift to HIM and see faith grow
Him (Jesus Christ) we proclaim, warning and teaching every person in all wisdom in order that we may present every person mature in Christ.
Colossians 1:28