Spreading Heaven On Earth | John Jenkins


Join us in this powerful episode of the HIM Podcast featuring Pastor John Jenkins from First Baptist Church, Glenarden, MD. Pastor Jenkins shares profound insights on forgiveness, bitterness, and the heavenly impact of faithful living from his talk at the HIM 2024 conference. Don't miss this uplifting message!


  • Forgiveness and Bitterness:

    • Pastor Jenkins stresses forgiveness, noting that bitterness blocks our experience of heaven on earth. Forgiving others and ourselves is vital for spiritual and emotional health.

    • Reflection:
      Consider any unresolved bitterness in your life. Pray for the strength to forgive and let go.

  • Unity in the Church:

    • Pastor Jenkins calls the church to be a place of unity, love, and healing amidst the world’s divisions.

    • Reflection:
      How can you promote unity in your community? Share kindness with someone from a different background this week.

  • The Power of the Gospel:

    • He emphasizes the importance of proclaiming forgiveness through Jesus, rather than focusing on rules. God’s grace and forgiveness should take center stage.

    • Reflection:
      No matter your past, God’s forgiveness is available to you. Share this message of hope with someone who needs it.

  • Being Justified by Faith:

    • Pastor Jenkins explains that justification means being made innocent and holy by God through faith in Jesus.

    • Reflection:
      Meditate on your justification and holiness in Jesus. Live this truth by showing grace and compassion to others.



John Jenkins

Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.’s life calling is to see the lost come to Christ and spiritually mature disciples. Since his installation as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG) in 1989, the church has grown from 500 to more than 10,000 members served by 300 full- and part-time staff. FBCG is recognized as a community pillar with 100+ ministries meeting diverse needs throughout the Washington, D.C. area, nation, and abroad. Pastor Jenkins serves on the board of many organizations including Bethel University, Project Bridges, Skinner Leadership Institute, and the National Association of Evangelicals. He also sits as chairman emeritus of SHABACH! Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization he founded in 1996 to provide food, clothing, educational and employment opportunities in the Maryland area. Pastor Jenkins has an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Southern California School of Ministry. A licensed pilot in 2002, he takes great delight in flying. He and his wife Trina are the proud parents of six children and five grandchildren.



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