Save when you register by Sept 6!

Special Maui Scholarships available [learn more]


Join us on O‘ahu at Kalihi Union Church
Thursday, September 12

• 1 pm to 5 pm Pastors & Ministry Leaders Session*
Ministering to Those Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma
Learn more

New time! 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Understanding and Caring for Your Mental Health
An evening for everyone with questions. Learn more

KALIHI UNION CHURCH 2214 N King St, Honolulu, HI

*Evening session is free for those attending the leaders session.


Join us on Maui at Grace Bible Church Maui in Kahului
Friday, September 13

• 1 pm to 5 pm Pastors & Ministry Leaders Session
Ministering to Those Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma
Learn more

New time! 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Understanding and Caring for Your Mental Health
An evening for everyone with questions. Learn more

*Evening session is free for those attending the leaders session.

*GRACE BIBLE CHURCH MAUI 635 Hina Ave, Kahului, HI


Mental Health 2024 Pastors and Ministry Leaders Session
Ministering to Those Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma
• Sept 12, 1 PM to 5 PM on O‘ahu
• Sept 13, 1 PM to 5 PM on Maui

Early Rate
thru Sept 6


Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Understanding and Caring for Your Mental Health
Sept 12, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM on O‘ahu
Sept 13, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM on Maui

After Sept 6
and At the Door


Early Rates
thru Sept 6


After Sept 6
and At the Door


Sign up here for O‘ahu


Thurs, Sept 12

Sign up here for Maui*


Fri, Sept 13

*Special scholarships available for Maui Residents [learn more]

Special Scholarships for Maui Residents

Having raised funds through HIM’s Maui Hope Initiative launched in 2023, HIM is able to offer discounted rates to Maui residents who may be in financial need and want to attend the Maui Mental Health Conference.

MAUI RESIDENTS: Click below to unlock your registration code to receive special rates.

Our speaker

Dr. Matthew S. Stanford, PhD

We are pleased to welcome back Dr. Matt Stanford, CEO of the Hope and Healing Center & Institute in Houston, TX and adjunct professor of psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine and Houston Methodist Hospital Institute for Academic Medicine.

Matt first spoke along with Kay Warren at HIM’s first Mental Health Conference in 2018. We have called upon him many times since then to share his expertise on mental health from a Christian foundation.

Matt has authored five books, his latest being Madness & Grace: A Practical Guide for Pastoral Care and Serious Mental Illness

Matt’s research on the interplay between psychology and issues of faith has been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, Christianity Today, and U.S. News & World Report.

More about the 2024 Mental Health Conference

O‘ahu Pastors & Ministry Leaders Session,
1 PM to 5 PM

Ministering to Those Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma

This half-day session is specifically for pastors and ministry leaders because church is the first place people go for help. As church leaders, we see depression, anxiety and trauma in our congregations, among our youth, on our streets. And we know it is growing in incidence, frequency and impact.

Matt will help churches and their leaders strengthen their capacity to respond to the many mental health needs before them. He will provide training and resources for paving a road to recovery for the people God brings to our doors.

HIM’s desire is to help church leaders care together for our community so that we bring Jesus to every person in need.

Thurs, Sept 12

O‘ahu Sessions

O‘ahu Mental Health Evening, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Understanding and Caring for Your Mental Health

In our digitally driven world, it’s easy to find pop psychology answers for our mental and emotional needs. But how do we know it’s true and not a myth or a meme? This evening will be your opportunity to ask a not just a professional psychologist but a Christian psychologist about something very dear to God: You. Your physical health matters, your emotional health matters, your mental health matters. Come learn how to understand and care for your mental health without losing your soul.

Maui Sessions 

Fri, Sept 13

Maui Pastors & Ministry Leaders Session,
1 PM to 5 PM

Ministering to Those Struggling with Depression, Anxiety, and Trauma

This half-day session is specifically for pastors and ministry leaders because church is the first place people go for help. As church leaders, we see depression, anxiety and trauma in our congregations, among our youth, on our streets. And we know it is growing in incidence, frequency and impact.

On Maui, Matt will specifically address how to care for those recovering from the Maui wild fires. This includes how to care for the mental and emotional health of immediate victims as well as everyone who grieved a loss and may still be grieving it.

HIM’s desire is to help church leaders care together for our community so that we bring Jesus to every person in need.

Special scholarships available for Maui residents [learn more]

Maui Mental Health Evening, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Why Am I Feeling This Way?
Understanding and Caring for Your Mental Health

In our digitally driven world, it’s easy to find pop psychology answers for our mental and emotional needs. But how do we know it’s true and not a myth or a meme? This evening will be your opportunity to ask a not just a professional psychologist but a Christian psychologist about something very dear to God: You. Your physical health matters, your emotional health matters, your mental health matters. Come learn how to understand and care for your mental health without losing your soul.

Special scholarships available for Maui residents [learn more]


For other questions, email HIM at