Three Faith-Based Approaches to Hawaiʻi’s Homeless Crisis

A one-day seminar featuring River of Life Mission, The Institute for Human Services, and Catholic Charities

Did you know Hawaiʻi has one of the highest per capita homeless populations in the nation?

Christians and churches need to be in the forefront of the issue but we don’t always know of practical ways to help alleviate the problem.

How can we help? What kind of solutions are there?

HIM sought to answer these questions by offering our second one-day seminar focused on empowering participants with tools to assist those facing homelessness. This year, we teamed up with River of Life Mission once again and introduced new partners—Institute for Human Services (IHS) and Catholic Charities—to bring you an event where Executive Director Paul Gates of River of Life Mission, Executive Director Connie Mitchell of IHS, and staff of Catholic Charities each presented unique strategies aimed at addressing homelessness in Hawaiʻi.

The seminar provided a valuable opportunity to gain knowledge and insights directly from the leaders on the frontlines who were driving change in our community.


Spiritually Open: Cultivating Curiosity & Conversation About Jesus