The Body Prayer
Await. Allow. Accept. Attend
Based on the writings of Julian of Norwich (b. 1343), the prayer’s four postures correlate with the words await, allow, accept and attend. You may pray it standing or sitting, or also use the words without body movements to pause, pray and let be humbly with God.

Here are the four movements:
Raise your hands waist high and cup them together in a gesture of receiving.
Await God’s presence without expectation, just as your are in this moment.
Reach up to God, raising your arms as high as you comfortably can
Allow God to be present, again without expectations
Lower your arms and gather them, cupped them at your heart.
Accept as a gift whatever comes or does not come.
Accept that you are not in charge.
Accept the infinity of God’s presence whether or not you are aware.
Turn up your hands, extend them out and around you in welcome
Attend to what you feel called to, using this movement to show God your willingness in whatever he is inviting you in this prayer.
Pray The Body Prayer with this video
Used with permission and licensing from The Plural Guild.