Lectio Divina
Sacred reading
Lectio divina is a way of praying the scriptures, of doing Bible study with the Holy Spirit. Its roots go back to the early church, and while it previously was reserved for monks et al, today it is widely practiced throughout the Church. Lectio can be done by yourself or with others.
Follow along and try out lectio divina reading Mark 4:35-41, Jesus in the storm, by using this video by TEAM - The Evangelical Alliance Mission.
The 4 Parts of Lectio Divina
Prepare: Select a scripture passage. Find a quiet place, free of interruptions and distractions, and calm your thoughts. Acknowledge God’s presence and ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration and guidance:
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart and mind to listen to your Word.
Lectio: Read the text slowly and prayerfully, constantly listening for that word that God has prepared for you. You may want to re-read the same text multiple times to help quiet yourself interiorly and focus on God’s voice. Listen and receive the Word that God speaks to you.
Meditatio: When a word or phrase strikes you, stop and rest with it. Repeat the word or phrase to yourself. Allow it to speak to you in a personal way by pondering the word in your heart, reflecting on what it means to you. Memorize it and repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your thoughts, hopes, memories, and desires.
Oratio: Prayer is your response to God’s word. It begins your dialogue with God that comes from your heart. Formulate a prayer, as a response to God. What do you want to say to the Lord in response to the Word spoken to you? Enter into this loving conversation with God.
Contemplatio: Rest in God’s presence and receive His transforming embrace. Sit still with God, realizing that in this deep and profound relationship, words are not necessary. Be content and at peace with a wordless, quiet rest in God, which brings joy to the heart. Remember that contemplation is not your action or doing, rather it is allowing God to act in you.
Resource adapted from Conception Abbey
Josh Johnson ⇢
Fr. Josh Johnson, “the rapping priest” breaks it down on lectio divina.